Ingredients selected by you
to create recipes for gentle eating

When dealing with gastristis, your diet becomes a constant worry. Certain foods and beverages can cause irritation, inflammation, or erosion of the stomach lining. Gastro Chef takes ingredients provided by you, and crafts recipes designed to be gentle on the stomach.

And best of all, it is entirely free.

Get tips on supplements, home remedies, and well tested recipes that help with Gastritis

Browse Gastro Chef's knowledge base of gastritis-related topics. Find information on supplements, such as probiotics and zinc, home remedies and recommended recipes.

Gastro Chef can help you understand the impact of certain foods on your health. Find all the information you need to better manage your diet, and avoid ingredients that might cause a flare-up.

Ready to meet the Gastro Chef?

Download Gastro Chef on the App Store, today!